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How to impress your boss's boss in a meeting

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  • Thorough preparation, including research and agenda-setting, is crucial for a successful skip-level meeting.
  • During the meeting, focus on showcasing your achievements, demonstrating strategic thinking, and actively engaging with the senior leader.
  • Effective follow-up, including a thank-you note and acting on insights gained, helps solidify the connection made during the meeting.

[WORLD] effective communication across all levels of an organization is crucial for success. One powerful tool that facilitates this communication is the skip-level meeting. These meetings provide a unique opportunity for employees to interact directly with their boss's boss, bypassing the immediate supervisor. When approached strategically, skip-level meetings can be a game-changer for your career development and organizational alignment.

Skip-level meetings are one-on-one conversations between an employee and a senior leader who is at least two levels above them in the organizational hierarchy. These meetings serve multiple purposes, including fostering open communication, gathering feedback, and providing insights into the company's broader vision and goals.

Melody Wilding, an executive coach and author, emphasizes the importance of these meetings: "Skip-level meetings are a valuable opportunity to gain visibility with senior leadership and showcase your potential. They allow you to build relationships, share ideas, and gain a broader perspective on the organization".

Preparing for Your Skip-Level Meeting

Proper preparation is key to making the most of this rare opportunity to interact with senior leadership. Here are some essential steps to take before your skip-level meeting:

Research and Gather Information

Before the meeting, take time to research your boss's boss. Understand their role, responsibilities, and any recent projects or initiatives they've been involved in. This knowledge will help you tailor your conversation and demonstrate your interest in the organization's broader goals.

Prepare an Agenda

Create a clear and concise agenda for the meeting. This shows respect for the senior leader's time and ensures that you cover all important topics. Include items such as:

  • Your current projects and achievements
  • Career goals and aspirations
  • Questions about the company's strategy and vision
  • Ideas for improvement or innovation

Craft Thoughtful Questions

Prepare a list of insightful questions that demonstrate your engagement and critical thinking skills. Wilding suggests, "Ask questions that show you're thinking strategically about the business. For example, 'What do you see as our biggest opportunity for growth in the next year?' or 'How do you envision our team contributing to the company's long-term goals?'".

During the Skip-Level Meeting

When the day of your skip-level meeting arrives, keep these tips in mind to make a lasting impression:

Start with a Strong Introduction

Begin the meeting by introducing yourself confidently and expressing gratitude for the opportunity to meet. Briefly summarize your role and key responsibilities to provide context for the conversation.

Showcase Your Achievements

Use this opportunity to highlight your recent accomplishments and contributions to the team. Be specific and quantify your achievements where possible. For example, "I led a project that increased our department's efficiency by 25% over the past quarter."

Demonstrate Strategic Thinking

Show that you understand the bigger picture by discussing how your work aligns with the company's goals. Wilding advises, "Frame your contributions in terms of how they impact the bottom line or advance the organization's mission. This demonstrates that you're thinking beyond your immediate role".

Listen Actively and Take Notes

Pay close attention to the senior leader's insights and perspectives. Take notes on key points and ask follow-up questions to show your engagement and interest.

Share Ideas and Solutions

If appropriate, share your ideas for improving processes or addressing challenges within the organization. Be prepared to back up your suggestions with data or examples.

Following Up After the Meeting

The work doesn't end when the skip-level meeting concludes. Proper follow-up is crucial to solidify the connection you've made and demonstrate your professionalism.

Send a Thank-You Note

Within 24 hours of the meeting, send a thoughtful thank-you email to the senior leader. Express your appreciation for their time and insights, and briefly recap the key points discussed.

Act on Insights Gained

Put the information and advice you received during the meeting into action. Implement any suggestions or feedback provided by the senior leader and keep track of your progress.

Keep Your Direct Manager Informed

Share appropriate highlights from the skip-level meeting with your immediate supervisor. This maintains transparency and keeps your manager in the loop about your career development efforts.

Leveraging Skip-Level Meetings for Career Growth

When approached strategically, skip-level meetings can be powerful catalysts for career advancement. Here are some ways to leverage these meetings for professional growth:

Build a Mentorship Relationship

If you've established a good rapport with the senior leader, consider asking if they'd be open to occasional mentorship conversations. Wilding notes, "Having a senior leader as a mentor can provide invaluable guidance and sponsorship for your career".

Seek Feedback on Your Performance

Use the skip-level meeting as an opportunity to gain a different perspective on your performance. Ask for specific feedback on areas where you can improve or skills you should develop to advance in your career.

Explore Cross-Functional Opportunities

Express your interest in learning about other areas of the business. This can lead to opportunities for cross-functional projects or even potential career moves within the organization.

Navigating Potential Challenges

While skip-level meetings offer numerous benefits, they can also present some challenges. Here's how to navigate common pitfalls:

Maintaining Trust with Your Direct Manager

Be transparent with your immediate supervisor about the skip-level meeting. Assure them that your intention is to gain broader organizational insights, not to undermine their authority.

Handling Difficult Questions

If asked about challenges within your team or with your direct manager, respond diplomatically. Focus on solutions and opportunities for improvement rather than dwelling on problems.

Managing Expectations

Understand that while skip-level meetings can open doors, they don't guarantee immediate career advancement. Use the insights gained to inform your long-term career strategy.

Skip-level meetings are invaluable opportunities to showcase your potential, gain insights into the organization's direction, and build relationships with senior leadership. By preparing thoroughly, engaging meaningfully during the meeting, and following up effectively, you can make a lasting impression that may significantly impact your career trajectory.

Remember, as Wilding emphasizes, "The key to a successful skip-level meeting is to approach it as a two-way conversation. It's not just about impressing the senior leader, but also about learning and growing from the experience". With the right approach, skip-level meetings can become a powerful tool in your professional development arsenal, helping you navigate your career path with greater clarity and purpose.

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