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Looking into the rising number of unemployed and disengaged young people

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  • The rise of NEETs and new unemployables is a complex issue influenced by economic, technological, and social factors.
  • Addressing this challenge requires a multi-faceted approach involving education reform, policy interventions, and support for mental health and skill development.
  • Individual strategies such as continuous learning, networking, and flexible career approaches can help young adults navigate the changing job market landscape.

In recent years, a troubling trend has emerged in the labor market: an increasing number of young adults are neither working nor pursuing education or training. This phenomenon has given rise to two distinct yet related groups: 'NEETs' (Not in Employment, Education, or Training) and the 'new unemployables'. As the job market evolves and economic uncertainties persist, understanding these groups and their challenges becomes crucial for addressing youth unemployment and fostering a robust workforce.

The term 'NEET' has gained prominence in recent years, referring to young people who are not engaged in employment, education, or training. This group represents a significant portion of the youth population, with concerning implications for both individual well-being and broader economic health.

Alí Bustamante, a labor economist, notes that "Among young adults aged 16 to 24, the unemployment rate climbed to 9% in May". This figure, while considered typical, represents a notable increase from the sub-7% rate observed in 2023, reflecting changing labor market conditions.

The NEET phenomenon is particularly prevalent among young men. Julia Pollak, another labor economist, highlights that "a significant portion of young individuals in the United States, particularly young men, are neither employed nor pursuing further education". This trend may be attributed to diminishing opportunities in traditionally male-dominated sectors such as construction and manufacturing.

The 'New Unemployables': Skilled but Struggling

Alongside NEETs, a new category of job seekers has emerged: the 'new unemployables'. This group, identified in a recent study by Korn Ferry, consists of well-qualified individuals who are struggling to secure employment despite their skills and experience.

The emergence of this group is attributed to what Korn Ferry describes as a 'perfect storm' in the job market. One key factor is the practice of talent hoarding among employers, where companies retain existing staff even in the face of economic uncertainties. This practice has led to a scarcity of job openings, particularly at the entry-level, making it challenging for even highly skilled candidates to find suitable positions.

Factors Contributing to the Rise of NEETs and New Unemployables

Several factors are contributing to the growing numbers of NEETs and new unemployables:

Economic Uncertainty: The lingering effects of economic downturns and the COVID-19 pandemic have created a cautious hiring environment.

Technological Disruption: Rapid advancements in technology, including artificial intelligence, are changing the nature of work and the skills required.

Skill Mismatch: There's often a disconnect between the skills possessed by job seekers and those demanded by employers.

Reduced Entry-Level Opportunities: As companies streamline operations, entry-level positions that traditionally served as stepping stones for young professionals are becoming scarcer.

Extended Education: Some young adults are opting to stay in education longer, delaying their entry into the workforce.

The Impact on Young Adults and Society

The rise of NEETs and new unemployables has significant implications:

Mental Health Challenges: Extended periods of unemployment or disengagement can lead to feelings of hopelessness and depression among young adults.

Economic Consequences: A large population of unemployed youth can strain social services and reduce overall economic productivity.

Skills Atrophy: Those who remain out of work for extended periods may find their skills becoming outdated, further complicating their return to the workforce.

Social Disengagement: Young adults who are neither working nor in education may become increasingly isolated from society.

Strategies for Addressing the Challenge

To combat the rise of NEETs and new unemployables, various strategies can be employed:

Enhanced Education and Training: Aligning educational programs more closely with industry needs can help reduce skill mismatches.

Apprenticeship and Internship Programs: Providing more opportunities for hands-on experience can ease the transition from education to employment.

Support for Entrepreneurship: Encouraging and supporting young adults in starting their own businesses can create new employment opportunities.

Mental Health Support: Providing resources to help young adults cope with the psychological challenges of unemployment is crucial.

Policy Interventions: Government policies that incentivize hiring and provide support for job seekers can help address systemic issues.

Navigating the New Job Market Landscape

For those finding themselves in the NEET category or struggling as 'new unemployables', there are strategies to improve employability:

Continuous Skill Development: Staying updated with industry trends and acquiring new skills can enhance job prospects.

Networking: Reconnecting with previous contacts and building new professional relationships can open up opportunities.

Flexible Career Approaches: Being open to lateral moves or exploring different industries can provide new avenues for employment.

Online Presence: Enhancing visibility through industry-related content and professional social media profiles can attract potential employers.

Volunteering and Freelancing: Engaging in volunteer work or freelance projects can help maintain skills and build experience during unemployment periods.

The rise of NEETs and new unemployables represents a significant challenge in today's labor market. It reflects broader economic shifts and highlights the need for adaptive strategies in education, employment, and social policy. By understanding these phenomena and implementing targeted interventions, we can work towards creating a more inclusive and dynamic job market that provides opportunities for all young adults.

As we navigate these challenges, it's crucial to remember that the situation is not hopeless. With the right support, strategies, and mindset, young adults can overcome these obstacles and find meaningful paths in their careers and lives.

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