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How Kamala Harris handled her border task

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  • Harris's approach to border security has evolved from addressing root causes to embracing stricter enforcement measures.
  • Her shift reflects changing national sentiments and political realities surrounding immigration policy.
  • The success of Harris's border strategy could have significant implications for the 2024 presidential election and future Democratic immigration policy.

[UNITED STATES] When Vice President Kamala Harris was tasked with addressing the surge in migration at the US-Mexico border in March 2021, she faced a complex and politically charged assignment. Initially focusing on the root causes of migration from Central America, Harris's approach has since evolved to embrace stricter border enforcement measures, reflecting changing national sentiments and political realities1.

The Initial Strategy: Addressing Root Causes

Harris's initial strategy centered on tackling the underlying factors driving migration from El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala - collectively known as the Northern Triangle. This approach aimed to create economic opportunities and improve living conditions in these countries to discourage migration.

"She felt — and I think she was right — that what she could do the most was help basically lead the effort to draw in investment, using the confidence that a relationship with the White House would give to investors," said Ricardo Zúniga, a former State Department official who specialized in the Northern Triangle.

Harris focused on:

  • Boosting private investment in the Northern Triangle
  • Creating job opportunities
  • Strengthening local economies

However, this long-term strategy faced criticism for not addressing the immediate crisis at the border. Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies, argued, "Even if it worked, it's the sort of thing that takes generations, not one term".

Shifting Gears: Embracing Stricter Enforcement

As migration patterns evolved and political pressure mounted, Harris's approach shifted towards more stringent border control measures. This change was evident during her recent visit to the US-Mexico border in Arizona.

Key Elements of Harris's New Stance

Emphasizing Border Security: Harris now stresses the importance of enforcing regulations at the border, stating, "The United States is a sovereign entity, and I believe we have an obligation to establish regulations at our border and to uphold them".

Supporting Bipartisan Solutions: Unlike her predecessor, Harris has expressed support for bipartisan approaches to border security, criticizing former President Trump for blocking a bipartisan border bill.

Proposing Stricter Measures: Harris has outlined plans to make it harder to lift border restrictions and to implement tougher policies on illegal border crossings.

Balancing Enforcement with Compassion: While emphasizing enforcement, Harris continues to advocate for pathways to legal status for certain immigrants, particularly "Dreamers".

The Political Landscape

Harris's evolving stance on border security reflects the changing political landscape surrounding immigration. Democrats, including Harris, are now prioritizing border security to address public concerns and counter Republican criticism.

Senator Chris Murphy, D-Conn., summarized this shift: "The focus must be on regaining control of the border. Current numbers are low, but there's no assurance they will remain so".

Challenges and Criticisms

Despite her efforts, Harris continues to face challenges in addressing the border issue:

Perception Gap: Polls still show voters placing more trust in Trump to handle immigration, although Harris's campaign cites recent improvements in this area2.

Criticism from Both Sides: While Republicans criticize her for not doing enough, some Democrats view her new approach as overly accommodating to the right1.

Complexity of the Issue: The multifaceted nature of immigration makes it difficult to implement quick and effective solutions.

Harris's Vision for the Future

Looking ahead, Harris has outlined several key initiatives:

Reviving the Bipartisan Border Bill: Harris has pledged to reinstate and advocate for the passage of the border security legislation that was previously blocked1.

Increasing Border Patrol: Her campaign has emphasized plans to hire thousands more border agents.

Targeting Transnational Crime: Harris has stressed the importance of addressing issues like drug and human trafficking.

Balancing Enforcement and Reform: While focusing on border security, Harris maintains support for creating pathways to citizenship for long-term undocumented residents and "Dreamers".

The Broader Impact

Harris's approach to the border assignment has implications beyond immediate policy:

Shifting Democratic Strategy: Her stance signals a broader shift in Democratic immigration policy, potentially influencing the party's approach in future elections1.

National Debate: The evolution of Harris's position reflects and influences the national conversation on immigration and border security.

2024 Election Implications: As Harris takes over as the Democratic standard-bearer, her handling of immigration issues could play a crucial role in the upcoming presidential election.

Kamala Harris's journey in tackling her border assignment reflects the complex and evolving nature of immigration policy in the United States. From an initial focus on root causes to a more enforcement-oriented approach, Harris has navigated the political and practical challenges of addressing border security.

As the 2024 election approaches, her ability to balance enforcement with compassion, and to effectively communicate her vision for immigration reform, will be crucial in shaping both public opinion and policy outcomes.

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