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How to get your best customers to buy more

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  • Tailor your engagement and offer exclusive rewards to your best customers.
  • Foster a sense of community among your superconsumers to deepen their connection with your brand.
  • Involve your best customers in the product development process to create more relevant and innovative offerings.

Nurturing and enhancing your best customers is a strategic imperative. These customers, often referred to as superconsumers, are not only loyal but also significantly contribute to your revenue and profitability. By focusing on this segment, businesses can drive growth, increase customer satisfaction, and build a robust brand community. This article delves into effective strategies to make your best customers even better.

Identifying Superconsumers

Superconsumers are a small yet powerful group of customers who exhibit high engagement and purchasing frequency. According to a study, superconsumers can constitute a mere 10% of buyers but account for 30% to 40% of revenue and more than 50% of profits. These customers are deeply passionate about the product and often use it in diverse ways, far beyond the typical use cases.

Strategies to Enhance Your Best Customers

1. Personalized Engagement

Personalization is key to making your best customers feel valued. By leveraging data analytics, businesses can tailor their communications and offers to meet the specific needs and preferences of their superconsumers. Personalized emails, exclusive offers, and tailored recommendations can significantly enhance customer loyalty.

2. Exclusive Rewards Programs

Implementing a tiered loyalty program that offers exclusive rewards to top-tier customers can incentivize continued engagement. These programs can include benefits such as early access to new products, special discounts, and unique experiences. For instance, a fitness retailer might offer personalized training programs or exclusive access to new fitness gear for their best customers.

3. Community Building

Creating a sense of community among your best customers can foster deeper connections and brand loyalty. Encouraging customers to share their experiences, recipes, or tips can build a vibrant community. As seen with Kraft's Velveeta brand, superconsumers often build friendships around their shared passion for the product, further strengthening their loyalty.

4. Feedback and Co-Creation

Involving your best customers in the product development process can provide valuable insights and foster a sense of ownership. Conducting surveys, focus groups, and interviews can help businesses understand the needs and preferences of their superconsumers. Additionally, co-creating products or features with these customers can lead to more innovative and relevant offerings.

5. Exceptional Customer Service

Providing exceptional customer service is crucial in retaining and enhancing your best customers. Ensuring that their issues are resolved promptly and effectively can significantly impact their satisfaction and loyalty. Personalized customer support, dedicated helplines, and proactive communication can make your best customers feel valued and appreciated.

Case Study: Kraft's Velveeta Brand

Kraft's Velveeta brand provides a compelling example of how focusing on superconsumers can drive growth. Initially perceived as having moderate growth prospects, Velveeta's fortunes changed when Kraft identified a core group of passionate users. These superconsumers, who constituted only 10% of buyers, accounted for a significant portion of the brand's revenue and profits. By engaging with these customers, Kraft was able to uncover new use cases and build a community around the product, ultimately driving sales and profitability.

Making your best customers even better requires a strategic approach that focuses on personalized engagement, exclusive rewards, community building, feedback, and exceptional customer service. By nurturing your superconsumers, you can drive growth, enhance customer satisfaction, and build a loyal brand community. As businesses navigate the complexities of the modern market, prioritizing and enhancing their best customers will be a critical driver of success.

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