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How curious leaders drive organizational success

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  • Vigilant leaders possess a deep sense of curiosity and focus beyond the immediate.
  • Leadership is a critical driver of organizational vigilance and peripheral vision.
  • Practical steps to cultivate vigilance include focusing externally, applying strategic foresight, and encouraging exploration.

The ability to stay vigilant is crucial for leaders who aim to steer their organizations toward sustained success. Vigilant leaders are those who maintain a heightened state of awareness, characterized by curiosity, alertness, and a willingness to act on incomplete information. This article delves into the qualities that define vigilant leaders, the importance of vigilance in leadership, and practical steps to cultivate this essential trait.

Vigilant leaders exhibit several key qualities that set them apart from their peers. According to the MIT Sloan Management Review, these leaders possess a deep sense of curiosity and focus beyond the immediate. They are constantly on the lookout for weak and unexpected signals that could indicate new opportunities or potential threats. This type of vigilance is crucial for recognizing growth opportunities and anticipating serious threats before they become too significant.

Steen Riisgaard, president and CEO of Novozymes A/S, exemplifies the profile of a vigilant leader. His eclectic curiosity, rooted in his background as a biology research scientist, drives him to explore beyond the conventional boundaries of his industry. Riisgaard's approach demonstrates how a leader's diverse interests and willingness to venture into uncharted territories can foster a culture of vigilance within an organization.

Importance of Vigilance in Leadership

Vigilance in leadership is not just about being aware; it's about being proactive. Vigilant leaders nurture a supportive climate for gathering and sharing information from diverse sources, both inside and outside the company. They devote substantial resources to monitoring the periphery of the business and create incentives to encourage frontline employees to keep them informed.

A study of 119 global companies identified leadership as the most important driver of organizational vigilance and peripheral vision. This finding underscores the significant influence leaders have on their organizations' capacity for vigilance. By fostering an environment where information flows freely and weak signals are actively sought out, vigilant leaders can help their organizations stay ahead of the curve.

Practical Steps to Cultivate Vigilance

Focus Externally: Vigilant leaders pay special attention to customers' evolving behaviors and needs. One way to do this is by studying "edge cases" that could suggest emerging trends or shifts in the market. By maintaining an external focus, leaders can better anticipate changes and adapt their strategies accordingly.

Apply Strategic Foresight: Leaders need to invest time in thinking about the future and considering various scenarios. This involves not only identifying potential opportunities and threats but also developing flexible plans to address them. Leadership commitment is signaled by the amount of time spent contemplating the future.

Encourage Exploration: Creating a culture that encourages exploration and experimentation is vital for fostering vigilance. Leaders should support initiatives that push the boundaries and challenge the status quo. This can involve everything from investing in research and development to encouraging employees to pursue innovative ideas.

Vigilant leadership is essential for navigating the complexities of today's business landscape. By embodying the qualities of curiosity, alertness, and proactive action, vigilant leaders can help their organizations stay ahead of the competition and seize new opportunities. As Steen Riisgaard's example shows, a leader's diverse interests and willingness to explore can significantly contribute to fostering a culture of vigilance. By focusing externally, applying strategic foresight, and encouraging exploration, leaders can cultivate the vigilance needed to thrive in an ever-changing world.

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