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The three-act drama of CEO leadership

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  • The CEO's journey can be viewed as a three-act play: establishing legitimacy, revisiting and reenergizing, and tying up loose ends.
  • Each phase requires specific actions and strategies to ensure long-term success and sustainability.
  • A structured approach to leadership, with a clear vision and strategic plan, is essential for navigating the CEO's journey effectively.

The journey of a CEO is often misconceived as an unending sprint, filled with relentless, fast-paced decision-making. However, a more strategic and effective approach is to view this journey as a three-act play. This perspective allows CEOs to structure their tenure into distinct phases, each with its own goals and challenges. By understanding and embracing these phases, leaders can navigate their roles more successfully and leave a lasting legacy.

Act One: Establishing Legitimacy and Setting the Agenda

The first act of a CEO's journey is all about establishing legitimacy and setting the foundation for future success. This phase involves building a top team, communicating a clear vision, and beginning to implement a change agenda. During the first act, it is necessary for a leader to establish legitimacy, construct a prestigious team, and initiate communication and implementation of a change agenda.

During this phase, a new CEO must quickly gain the trust and respect of their team and stakeholders. This can be achieved by demonstrating competence, making strategic decisions, and showing a commitment to the organization's values. Building a strong leadership team is crucial, as these individuals will be instrumental in driving the change agenda forward.

Act Two: Revisiting and Reenergizing

The second act is characterized by revisiting initial decisions, correcting mistakes, and reenergizing the organization. This phase is essential for maintaining momentum and ensuring that the changes implemented in the first act are effective and sustainable. Act two necessitates going back over a significant number of the decisions that were taken during the earlier phase, making the necessary corrections, and revitalizing the organization.

In this phase, CEOs must be willing to acknowledge and address any missteps or challenges that have arisen. This might involve making tough decisions, such as restructuring teams or reallocating resources. The goal is to refine the strategy and ensure that the organization is on the right path. Reenergizing the team is also critical, as it helps maintain morale and keeps everyone focused on achieving the long-term vision.

Act Three: Tying Up Loose Ends and Ensuring a Smooth Transition

The final act of a CEO's journey involves tying up loose ends and setting the stage for an orderly transition. This phase is about ensuring that the organization is well-positioned for continued success after the CEO's departure. The purpose of the third act is to bring all of the loose ends together and to prepare the groundwork for a smooth transition.

During this phase, a CEO should focus on solidifying their legacy by ensuring that the changes they have implemented are sustainable. This might involve mentoring potential successors, strengthening the talent pipeline, and ensuring that the organization's culture is aligned with its strategic goals. The ultimate aim is to leave the organization in a better state than when they started, with a clear path for future leaders to follow.

The Importance of Vision and Planning

One of the key takeaways from viewing the CEO's journey as a three-act play is the importance of vision and planning. When CEOs are asked to imagine their retirement speech, they often describe significant accomplishments, such as doubling the value of their business, improving the culture, and building a strong talent pipeline. However, they frequently lack a clear sense of the journey that will get them there. This underscores the need for a structured approach to leadership, with a clear vision and strategic plan for each phase of the journey.

The CEO's journey is not a sprint but a carefully orchestrated three-act play. By understanding and embracing the distinct phases of this journey, CEOs can navigate their roles more effectively, achieve their strategic goals, and leave a lasting legacy. Each act—establishing legitimacy, revisiting and reenergizing, and tying up loose ends—plays a crucial role in the overall success of their tenure. As leaders, it is essential to approach this journey with a clear vision, strategic planning, and a commitment to continuous improvement.

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