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What makes some employees want to be micromanaged?

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  • A significant number of new college graduates prefer micromanagement due to the structured guidance it offers, mirroring their academic experiences.
  • This preference is linked to high levels of work-related anxiety among young professionals, prompting companies to invest in mental health resources and mentorship programs.
  • While some graduates appreciate hands-on management, a majority still favor a balanced approach that encourages both support and independence.

According to a survey done by the online magazine, one in every five new college graduates like to be micromanaged. This may come as a surprise, given the number of stories saying that new generations of workers seek flexibility and adaptation in their workplace.

The findings of this survey have sparked a heated debate among workplace experts and HR professionals. Many argue that the desire for micromanagement among young graduates is a temporary phase, stemming from the transition shock between structured academic environments and the more ambiguous professional world. Critics, however, warn that catering to this preference could hinder long-term career growth and innovation in the workplace.

However, young people are typically wary of venturing out on their own in the professional world. They received clear instructions, frequent feedback, and knew exactly how to graduate effectively. Huy Nguyen, Intelligent's chief education and career development advisor, noted that once they join the workplace, their route to success becomes less apparent, and they may be afraid to make mistakes and anxious to perform perfectly on their first job.

This phenomenon has led to a growing trend of companies implementing structured onboarding programs and mentorship initiatives. These programs aim to bridge the gap between academic and professional environments, providing new graduates with the guidance they crave while gradually fostering independence. Some forward-thinking organizations have even introduced "transition coaches" who work closely with recent hires during their first few months on the job, slowly reducing their involvement as the new employees gain confidence.

This is why some new grads find comfort in the assumption that their bosses will closely watch them. 83% of those who prefer a hands-on management style think being micromanaged provides them a sense of support from their superiors. Meanwhile, 73% feel this management style helps them focus on their professional responsibilities.

These young individuals don't hesitate to check in with their supervisors on a frequent basis, whether via phone, email, or video call, to ensure that they're doing a good job. In fact, 44% of survey respondents do this one to three times per day, with 23% doing it four to six times.

Some employees even contact their manager outside of working hours, which is a poor practice that jeopardizes both the employee's and management's work-life balance. In addition, 40% of recent graduates expect their supervisor to be available at all times, which is an unrealistic expectation.

This constant need for validation and guidance has raised concerns about the potential long-term effects on workplace dynamics and productivity. Some industry leaders worry that this trend could lead to a generation of workers who struggle with autonomy and decision-making. To address these concerns, several companies have begun implementing "micromanagement weaning" strategies, gradually reducing the frequency of check-ins and encouraging employees to take more initiative in their work.

So, why do young people have such high expectations from their bosses? The state of their mental health could play a role: according to the survey, 27% of young graduates experience work anxiety three to four days per week, while 40% experience worry over work one to two days per week.

This underlying uneasiness might eventually lead to physical, mental, and emotional weariness. To counteract this, many young people place a greater emphasis on their supervisors, with nearly two-thirds stating their line manager makes them feel less stressed at work.

The prevalence of work-related anxiety among young graduates has prompted some companies to invest in mental health resources and wellness programs specifically tailored to the needs of this demographic. These initiatives often include stress management workshops, mindfulness training, and access to mental health professionals. Additionally, some organizations are experimenting with flexible work arrangements and "mental health days" to help alleviate the pressure on their younger employees.

As a result, it's understandable that some young people don't mind being micromanaged. However, as Huy points out, this is not true for everyone. The expert cautioned against overgeneralizing and stated that attachment to managers might vary widely from person to person, based on their personality, work responsibilities, and corporate culture. Indeed, 57% of the young people polled prefer a management style that is neither overly hands-on nor too hands-off.

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