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United States

How campus protests at top US universities are influencing Singaporean students' decisios

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  • Campus protests at elite US universities are causing safety concerns among Singaporean students and their families.
  • Some students are opting for universities in other countries or less protest-prone institutions within the US.
  • The political climate and campus safety are becoming critical factors in the decision-making process for international students.

In recent months, elite universities in the United States have become hotbeds of activism, with pro-Palestinian protests erupting across campuses. This wave of unrest has not only captured global headlines but also influenced the decisions of international students, particularly those from Singapore, who are reconsidering their plans to study in the US.

One such student, Sunaina M., was offered a place to study economics at Dartmouth College, an Ivy League institution renowned for its academic excellence. However, the 19-year-old has decided to turn down the offer due to safety concerns stemming from the ongoing protests. "My parents don’t feel very safe about me going to the US… They are afraid that I would get bullied or treated brutally because I wear a hijab, especially in American universities where protesting, campaigning, and activism is a norm," said Sunaina.

The protests, which began in response to the Israel-Hamas conflict, have seen students at top universities like Harvard, Columbia, and Yale setting up encampments and engaging in demonstrations. These actions have often led to clashes with law enforcement, resulting in numerous arrests and heightened tensions on campuses. For many Singaporean students and their families, the images of police in riot gear and reports of violent confrontations are deeply unsettling.

Madam Angeline Siew, another concerned parent, expressed her worries about sending her son to Yale. "We saw some videos of the police taking away students (who were protesting)," she said. Her son, Russell, who is passionate about humanitarian causes, insisted on attending Yale despite his parents' concerns. They have since imposed a strict curfew and urged him to avoid participating in protests.

The impact of these protests on international student enrollment is significant. According to Christopher Rim, CEO of Command Education, a New York-based college admissions consultancy, many students are now opting for universities in other countries or less protest-prone institutions within the US. "Historically, acceptance to these universities often meant attendance. However, this cycle presented a notable shift as every student opted for an alternative institution," Rim noted.

For some students, the decision to avoid US universities is not just about personal safety but also about the broader educational environment. Michelle Soh, who was offered a place at Harvard, chose to attend the National University of Singapore instead. "My parents dissuaded me from attending a university in the US because they felt I might get influenced by the culture to protest and get into trouble," she explained.

The situation highlights a growing trend where the political climate and campus safety are becoming critical factors in the decision-making process for international students. As universities grapple with the challenges of maintaining order and addressing student concerns, the ripple effects are being felt worldwide.

The recent campus protests at elite US universities have created a climate of uncertainty and concern among Singaporean students and their families. As they weigh their options, many are choosing to pursue their education in environments perceived to be safer and more stable. This shift underscores the profound impact that campus activism and political unrest can have on global higher education dynamics.

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