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Why modern pop music feels so underwhelming

Image Credits: UnsplashImage Credits: Unsplash
  • Streaming culture has led to a homogenization of pop music, prioritizing revenue over artistic innovation.
  • Simplified lyrics and risk-averse industry practices contribute to the perception of modern pop music as underwhelming.
  • Despite criticisms, there are still artists pushing the boundaries and creating exciting new music.

Pop music has always been a subject of debate, with each generation having its own take on what constitutes good music. However, in recent years, there has been a growing sentiment that modern pop music is, for lack of a better word, "meh." This article delves into the reasons behind this perception, exploring the impact of streaming culture, industry practices, and the evolution of musical trends.

The Streaming Culture Influence

One of the most significant changes in the music industry over the past decade has been the rise of streaming platforms like Spotify and Apple Music. These platforms have revolutionized how we consume music, but they have also had a profound impact on how music is produced. According to a Reddit user, "Music is now produced to be streamed. More streams = more revenue. As such, a lot of music has been scaled down to simply be a rhythm or melody that you don’t want to turn off". This focus on creating music that keeps listeners engaged for longer periods has led to a homogenization of sound, where many songs start to feel indistinguishable from one another.

Simplified Lyrics and Homogenized Sound

A study by the Spanish National Research Council found that modern pop music has become more homogenized over the years, with a narrowing dynamic range in terms of chord progression and instrumentation. This trend is further exacerbated by the simplification of lyrics. Data analyst Andrew Powell-Morse's study revealed that pop music lyrics have become so simple that an average 8-year-old can understand them. While some argue that this makes music more accessible, others believe it strips away the depth and nuance that make songs memorable.

Risk Aversion in the Music Industry

The music industry has always been a high-stakes game, but the financial pressures have intensified with the advent of digital streaming. Record labels are increasingly risk-averse, opting to invest in "sure things" rather than taking chances on innovative new sounds. This has led to a reliance on a small group of prolific songwriters and producers, such as Max Martin and Dr. Luke, who churn out hit after hit. While this approach guarantees a certain level of commercial success, it also stifles creativity and diversity in the music we hear.

The Mere-Exposure Effect

Another factor contributing to the perceived blandness of modern pop music is the "Mere-Exposure Effect," a psychological phenomenon where people tend to develop a preference for things merely because they are familiar with them. Today's pop songs are ubiquitous, playing everywhere from radio stations to shopping malls. This constant exposure can make even mediocre songs seem more appealing simply because they are familiar.

The Loudness War

The loudness of music has also been manipulated over the years, with compression techniques used to make songs sound louder and more immediate. While this can make tracks stand out in a crowded playlist, it often comes at the expense of dynamic range and subtlety. A study found that music loudness has increased by about one decibel every eight years, contributing to a more uniform and less engaging listening experience.

Nostalgia and the Search for Authenticity

Despite these criticisms, it's essential to recognize that not all modern pop music is devoid of quality. Artists like Taylor Swift, Ariana Grande, and Beyoncé continue to push the boundaries of the genre, blending elements of pop with other musical styles to create something fresh and exciting . However, for many listeners, the nostalgia for the music of their youth can make it challenging to appreciate contemporary sounds. As one Reddit user pointed out, "Most of the 'olds' complaining about new music aren’t really listening to it. They hear something unfamiliar, they instantly bristle, and then they swear music was so much better in their youth".

The perception that modern pop music is underwhelming is influenced by various factors, including the impact of streaming culture, industry risk aversion, and the psychological effects of constant exposure. While there is undoubtedly good music being made today, the homogenization of sound and simplification of lyrics can make it feel less exciting than the music of previous decades. Ultimately, the beauty of music lies in its subjectivity, and what may seem "meh" to one person could be a masterpiece to another.

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