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8 simple habits for a healthier mind and body

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  • Depression rates in Malaysia have doubled between 2019 and 2023, highlighting an urgent need for improved mental health strategies and lifestyle changes.
  • Simple daily habits, such as starting the day peacefully, practicing positive self-talk, and reducing screen time, can significantly impact both mental and physical well-being.
  • Prioritizing quality sleep, mindful eating, and focused work habits are essential for maintaining overall health and combating the rising trend of depression and related physical health issues.

According to the National Health and Morbidity Survey 2023, more over a million Malaysians aged 16 and older suffer from depression, a figure that has doubled between 2019 and 2023.

If this is any indicator, Malaysians are not only at danger of poor mental health, but they are also more likely to develop physical health problems such as heart disease, obesity, diabetes, and hypertension.

The alarming rise in depression rates among Malaysians has sparked concern among health professionals and policymakers alike. Experts attribute this surge to various factors, including increased stress from work and personal life, social isolation exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, and economic uncertainties. The Malaysian government has responded by allocating additional resources to mental health services and launching public awareness campaigns to reduce stigma surrounding mental health issues.

Fortunately, you may live a healthy life by adopting a few simple changes to your everyday habits and routines. Whether you want to better your mind and body, increase your mood, or simply get more out of each day, try these strategies to replace your old habits for a happier and healthier tomorrow.

Have a peaceful start rather than a mad morning.

Starting the day off well can have a big impact on the remainder of it. Instead of a mad dash, create a quiet morning ritual. This might be as simple as getting up 15 minutes early to have a calm cup of tea, practicing mindful meditation, or stretching to your favorite music.

This tiny modification can have a major impact on your attitude and productivity throughout the day, leaving you energized and ready to face whatever challenges arise.

Research has shown that establishing a consistent morning routine can significantly improve mental health and overall well-being. A study published in the Journal of Applied Psychology found that individuals who engaged in positive morning rituals reported lower stress levels and higher job satisfaction throughout the day. These findings underscore the importance of starting your day on the right foot, setting a positive tone for the hours ahead.

Replace self-talk with positive affirmations.

Your inner voice has a significant impact on how you perceive reality. If you find yourself being your own worst critic, flip the script! Affirmations can help you change your perspective and lead to more positive outcomes when dealing with life's obstacles.

So, the next time you encounter an unfavorable scenario, pause, reassess, and reiterate. It's easy to feel like a victim of circumstance, but remember to praise your own skills and accomplishments to channel some positive energy.

You'll be shocked at how much this simple alteration improves your self-esteem and outlook on life.

Change screen time to quality time.

Screens are omnipresent, and it's easy to become lost in them. Instead than doomscrolling or swiping endless reels on social media, try replacing some of your screen time with quality moments away from gadgets.

Set aside specific hours of the day to spend time with your loved ones or indulge in your favorite hobby. Reading a book, drawing, or simply having a sincere conversation over a warm meal are all screen-free activities that will enrich your life and strengthen your connections.

Express yourself through journaling.

When things aren't going well, it's natural to focus on the negative aspects, but this can rapidly lead to negativity. When you're feeling pessimistic, keeping a thankfulness notebook can help you change your perspective.

Every day, take five minutes to write down a few things you're grateful for, such as being able to eat your favorite foods, meeting your friends, or getting enough sleep.

This simple habit redirects your attention from what is lacking to what is abundant in your life, promoting a sense of happiness and joy.

The practice of gratitude journaling has gained significant traction in recent years, backed by scientific evidence of its positive effects on mental health. A study conducted by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, found that individuals who regularly practiced gratitude experienced improved mood, better sleep quality, and even showed signs of reduced inflammation in their bodies. This research highlights the powerful connection between our mental state and physical well-being, emphasizing the importance of cultivating a grateful mindset.

Ditch the unhealthy food.

What we put in our body has a direct impact on our energy levels and overall wellness. When you're hungry, instead of reaching for harmful snacks, try eating more nutritious items like fruits or almonds.

Eating as near to nature as possible is not only healthy for your waistline, but it also improves satiety, keeping you filled for longer. Stock up on yoghurt and peanut butter, which are high in important nutrients and protein.

Making this modification not only improves your physical health and digestion, but it also offers you energy to last throughout the day.

Reduce multitasking.

In today's fast-paced environment, multitasking may appear to be a necessary for productivity, but it is actually detrimental and can increase your stress levels.

Instead than juggling multiple things at once, set aside time throughout the day to focus on critical obligations and projects. These concentrated sessions help you focus on one job at a time, allowing you to complete them without feeling overwhelmed.

Think before acting.

Impulsivity frequently leads to impulsive judgments, which cause more stress, conflict, and sometimes irreversible damage. Take a deep breath the next time you're in an emotionally charged scenario to avoid reacting in a way you'll later regret.

In such cases, try taking a more deliberate approach: evaluate the circumstance and its outcomes. Take the time to answer, which can result in more productive encounters and a more relaxed frame of mind.

The ability to pause and think before acting is a crucial skill in emotional intelligence, which has been linked to better mental health and professional success. Neuroscientific research has shown that taking a moment to reflect activates the prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain responsible for rational decision-making. This brief pause can help regulate emotions and lead to more thoughtful responses, ultimately reducing stress and improving relationships both in personal and professional settings.

Say goodbye to late nights!

Working late may appear productive, but it is detrimental to your health. When you're fatigued, you're more prone to make mistakes and generate poor results.

Instead, consider going to bed earlier and starting again the next day to complete outstanding duties. Good sleep hygiene is also important: look for ways to create bedtime rituals that will help you relax after a long day at work.

So put away your smartphone and listen to some relaxing music or meditate before going to bed. Prioritising healthy sleep is one of the most effective and simple things you can do to improve your overall health and happiness.

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