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How constantly gauging others' feelings harms your mental health

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  • Emotional monitoring involves constantly assessing others' emotions, often leading to stress and emotional exhaustion.
  • This behavior can strain relationships and prevent authentic emotional expression.
  • Developing self-awareness and emotional resilience is crucial to breaking the cycle of emotional monitoring.

Empathy is a vital human trait, allowing us to connect and support each other. However, when empathy morphs into emotional monitoring, it can become detrimental to our mental health and well-being. Emotional monitoring involves constantly scanning and assessing the emotions of those around us, often to avoid conflict or gain reassurance. This behavior, while seemingly benign, can lead to significant psychological stress and emotional exhaustion.

Emotional monitoring is a hypervigilant response often rooted in trauma. According to Dr. Tirrell De Gannes, a licensed clinical psychologist, it involves consistently tracking the emotions of others, which can manifest as insecurity or anxiety. This behavior is not limited to romantic relationships; it can also occur in family, friendships, and professional settings.

Psychotherapist Israa Nasir explains that emotional monitoring is a form of hypervigilance where individuals scan their environment for potential threats to ensure emotional safety. This constant state of alertness can lead to burnout and emotional stress, as the amygdala, the brain's fear center, remains hyperactive.

Emotional Monitoring vs. Empathy and People-Pleasing

While empathy involves understanding and supporting others' emotions, emotional monitoring is about using others' emotional states to self-soothe. It is closely related to people-pleasing, where individuals seek safety by trying to please others. Unlike empathy, which is under one's control, emotional monitoring feels like giving someone else the reins to your emotional state.

Signs of Emotional Monitoring

  • Emotional monitoring can manifest in various ways, including:
  • Preoccupation with others' thoughts and feelings before, during, and after interactions.
  • Inability to be present, constantly assessing body language and facial expressions.
  • A constant need for emotional reassurance.
  • Difficulty in self-soothing and expressing oneself.
  • Adjusting emotions based on others' perceived feelings.
  • Prioritizing others' emotions over one's own.

The Impact on Well-Being

The constant state of emotional monitoring is exhausting. It can lead to burnout, as the adrenal system, responsible for stress responses, is overworked. This can make individuals more fragile and prone to absorbing others' emotions, further neglecting their own needs.

Moreover, emotional monitoring can strain relationships. People may become frustrated with the constant need for reassurance, leading to a breakdown in emotional intimacy. As Nasir points out, this behavior prevents individuals from showing up authentically in relationships, as they are always calculating and assuming rather than expressing their true emotions.

Breaking the Cycle of Emotional Monitoring

To break free from the cycle of emotional monitoring, it is essential to develop self-awareness and emotional resilience. Psychologist Nicole LePera suggests several strategies:

  • Awareness: Recognize how often you monitor others' emotions.
  • Journaling: Keep a diary of your thoughts and feelings to understand your emotional patterns.
  • Alone Time: Spend time alone to focus on your own needs and emotions.
  • Emotional Tolerance: Offer help if someone seems to need it but respect their space if they wish to be left alone.
  • Imperfection: Accept that striving for perfection is unnecessary and often harmful.
  • Emotional monitoring, while often a response to past trauma, can significantly harm your mental health and well-being. By understanding its signs and impacts, and by adopting strategies to focus on your own emotional needs, you can break free from this exhausting cycle. Prioritizing your mental wellness and fostering authentic relationships will lead to a healthier, more balanced life.
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