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Closure of Newater Visitor Centre in Bedok set for July 31

Image Credits: UnsplashImage Credits: Unsplash
  • The Newater Visitor Centre in Bedok will close on July 31, marking the end of an era for this educational hub.
  • The centre has been pivotal in promoting water sustainability and conservation through interactive exhibits and educational programs.
  • PUB plans to continue its water sustainability education efforts through new and innovative methods, ensuring the legacy of the Newater Visitor Centre endures.

The Newater Visitor Centre in Bedok, a cornerstone of Singapore's water sustainability education, is set to close its doors on July 31. This iconic facility has been instrumental in educating the public about the importance of water recycling and conservation, making significant contributions to Singapore's water management narrative.

Since its inception, the Newater Visitor Centre has welcomed thousands of visitors, including students, families, and tourists, offering them a unique insight into Singapore's innovative water treatment processes. The centre has been a beacon of environmental education, showcasing the nation's commitment to sustainable water solutions.

The Public Utilities Board (PUB) of Singapore, which manages the Newater Visitor Centre, announced the closure, stating, "The Newater Visitor Centre has served its purpose well over the years, educating the public on the importance of water sustainability and the role of Newater in Singapore's water supply strategy." This statement underscores the centre's pivotal role in promoting water conservation awareness.

Visitors to the centre have had the opportunity to engage in interactive exhibits, guided tours, and educational workshops that highlight the journey of water from wastewater to high-grade reclaimed water, known as Newater. These experiences have not only been educational but also inspiring, encouraging many to adopt more sustainable water practices in their daily lives.

The closure of the Newater Visitor Centre is part of a broader strategy by PUB to enhance and diversify its public education efforts. "We are exploring new ways to continue our outreach and education on water sustainability, leveraging digital platforms and other innovative methods," PUB added. This forward-looking approach aims to reach a wider audience and adapt to changing educational needs.

Despite the closure, the legacy of the Newater Visitor Centre will continue to influence Singapore's water sustainability efforts. The knowledge imparted and the awareness raised through its programs have left an indelible mark on the community. As Singapore continues to innovate in water management, the principles and practices championed by the Newater Visitor Centre will remain relevant.

For those who have yet to visit, the centre will remain open until July 31, offering a final chance to experience its educational offerings. This period provides an opportunity for the public to reflect on the importance of water sustainability and the strides Singapore has made in this critical area.

The Newater Visitor Centre in Bedok has been more than just a tourist attraction; it has been a vital educational resource that has played a significant role in shaping Singapore's water sustainability journey. As it prepares to close, its contributions to environmental education and water conservation will be remembered and built upon in future initiatives.

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