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Tips for making your presentation sound more like a conversation

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  • Practice in varied environments to maintain a natural tone.
  • Use natural language and avoid formal presentation phrases.
  • Encourage audience interaction to create a dialogue.

Presentations are a staple of professional and academic life, yet many struggle to make them engaging. The key to a captivating presentation is to make it feel like a conversation. Here are some strategies to help you achieve that.

1. Practice in Different Environments

Changing your practice environment can significantly impact how natural your presentation sounds. Instead of rehearsing in a formal setting, try practicing on your couch, in a coffee shop, or while walking with a friend. This approach helps you identify when your tone becomes too formal or rehearsed. As Bri McWhorter suggests, "Practice giving the full speech on your couch talking to your best friend" to bring a genuine and conversational tone into your formal presentation environment.

2. Use Natural Language

Avoid formal phrases that highlight the presentation format. Instead of saying, "In this presentation, I’ll be talking about…", start with a more natural introduction. This keeps the audience focused on the current content rather than anticipating future slides. As Jay Sullivan notes, "Think of how you'd start talking about this topic in a conversation and open that way instead".

3. Encourage Audience Interaction

Incorporate opportunities for audience interaction to make your presentation feel more like a dialogue. Ask questions, solicit feedback, and respond to audience reactions. This not only makes the presentation more engaging but also helps you adjust your delivery based on audience cues. For instance, you could start by asking, "How many of you have faced challenges with public speaking?" and then build on their responses.

4. Rely Less on Visuals

While slides can be helpful, they should not be the crutch of your presentation. Practice telling your story without any visuals to ensure that your words alone can convey the message. This technique forces you to be more descriptive and engaging with your language. As McWhorter advises, "Practice telling your story without any visuals available".

5. Use Short Sentences and Contractions

Natural conversations often involve short sentences and contractions. This makes your speech sound more relaxed and approachable. Avoid complex words and phrases that you wouldn’t use in everyday conversation. Lisa B. Marshall emphasizes, "Use short sentences. When we talk, we naturally use short sentences".

6. Boil Down Your Speech

Instead of memorizing your speech word-for-word, focus on the key ideas and use memory techniques to recall them. This approach helps you stay flexible and adapt to the audience's reactions. As the Institute of Public Speaking suggests, "Boil it down to the key ideas and use mnemonics or memory techniques to make it easier for you to remember your speech".

7. Incorporate Natural Gestures

Use gestures naturally as you would in a conversation. This makes your presentation more dynamic and helps emphasize key points. Avoid over-the-top gestures that can seem rehearsed or unnatural. Anne Ricketts advises, "Use some natural gestures. If you were speaking with a friend, then you'd use your hands to act a story or reinforce a key point".

8. Practice with a Friend

Have a friend ask questions about your presentation topics and practice answering them. This simulates a conversational environment and helps you become more comfortable with spontaneous speaking. You can even include these questions in your presenter notes to remind you to keep the tone conversational.

9. Avoid Rote Memorization

Rote memorization can make your speech sound robotic. Instead, understand the material thoroughly and speak about it naturally. This approach reduces anxiety and makes your delivery more fluid and engaging. "Rote memorization is the worst way to 'memorize' or learn anything," notes the Institute of Public Speaking.

10. Use Stories and Examples

Incorporate stories and examples to illustrate your points. This not only makes your presentation more relatable but also helps the audience remember your key messages. Storytelling is a powerful tool in making your presentation feel like a conversation.

By implementing these strategies, you can transform your presentation into a more engaging and conversational experience. Remember, the goal is to create a connection with your audience, making them feel involved and attentive throughout your talk.

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