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How social media fuels anger and what we can do about it

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  • Social media can exacerbate anger and frustration due to the reinforcement of moral outrage and emotional contagion.
  • Anonymity on social media platforms can lead to more aggressive and hostile behavior.
  • Addressing social media rage requires individual, community, and platform-level interventions to promote healthier interactions.

Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, connecting us with friends and acquaintances across the globe. However, this tool can also have a dark side, feeding into our worst impulses and exacerbating our anger and frustration.

The Dark Side of Social Media

Social media platforms often encourage users to express more moral outrage over time. This is because posts expressing outrage tend to receive more likes and shares, which in turn "teach" people to be angrier. The rise in the amount of likes and shares 'educate' people to become more irate. This phenomenon is known as emotional contagion, where emotions can be transmitted from person to person like a virus. When we read an angry post or comment, it is hard not to feel a surge of negative emotion ourselves.

The Role of Anonymity

Social media often allows users to operate anonymously or with a degree of detachment from their real-world identities. This anonymity can lower inhibitions and lead to more aggressive and hostile behavior. The online disinhibition effect describes how people may say things online that they would never say in person, often leading to more extreme and inflammatory language. This is similar to the relative anonymity and security of being in our cars, which can beget shockingly abusive behavior.

Mental Health Implications

Social media rage can be linked to various mental health conditions and issues, either as contributing factors or consequences. Emotional dysregulation, often seen in various mental health conditions, can be exacerbated by the provocative and unregulated nature of social media. Those with personality disorders or traits such as narcissistic personality have the need for validation, and the potential for criticism on social media can trigger anger and rage in them.

Similarly, those with borderline personality disorder, who have intense and unstable relationships, can have their emotions heightened by online interactions. Those with pre-existing anger management issues may find social media a triggering environment, leading to heightened rage responses. Individuals battling with paranoia and delusional disorders may be more susceptible to the misinformation and conspiracy theories proliferated on social media. This can contribute to or exacerbate paranoid thoughts and delusions.

The Algorithmic Influence

Using machine learning software, we are now able to postulate that social media algorithms reward users for posting content that promotes outrage. One suspects that if the amplification of moral outrage is a clear consequence of social media’s business model, which optimizes user engagement, then it also has the ability to influence the success or failure of collective thinking and action.

Taking Back Control

Addressing social media rage involves a combination of individual, community, and platform-level interventions. To help manage our emotions, taking breaks from social media can help us regain perspective and avoid unproductive rumination. Practicing conscious consumption and focusing on positive and constructive content may be easier said than done. However, it is imperative to increase digital literacy by educating ourselves on recognizing misinformation and to be skeptical towards sensational content.

Additionally, recognizing anger as a valid emotion and learning to understand manipulation can help us avoid triggering situations. Similarly, avoiding stereotyping and considering other perspectives can aid us in navigating social media interactions more peacefully. Finally, admitting mistakes and focusing on individual characteristics instead of group identity in our multi-cultural society can contribute to healthier online discourse.

Community and Platform Responsibility

At the community level, collaboration between government agencies and mental health organizations can launch campaigns to raise awareness about the impact of social media rage and how to mitigate it. The Malaysian Mental Health Association can provide resources and support in this matter. All mental health stakeholders should also come together to advocate for policies that hold platforms accountable for the content they host.

Platforms too, have a responsibility to design their algorithms and community guidelines in ways that promote healthier and more constructive interactions, rather than facilitating the amplification of incendiary content. Platforms need to enhance moderation policies to swiftly address hate speech, harassment, and misinformation. With the availability of artificial intelligence, together with human moderators, it should not be too difficult to identify and mitigate harmful content.

Ultimately, social media companies cannot run away from their moral responsibility to consider the psychological and societal impacts of the design of their platforms. By working with all concerned stakeholders, it is possible to create a healthier social media environment that reduces the prevalence of rage and promotes positive interactions.

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