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Post-Accident Procedures According To An Insurance Agent

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  • Always move to a safe location and check for injuries immediately after an accident.
  • Obtain a police report, exchange information with all parties, and document the scene thoroughly.
  • Contact your insurance agent promptly and follow their advice to navigate the claims process effectively.

Car accidents can be disorienting and stressful experiences, but knowing the right steps to take immediately afterward can make a significant difference in the outcome of the situation. According to Ashley M. Hunter, a licensed insurance agent and founding partner of A. Hunter & Company, there are specific actions you should take to ensure a smooth, hassle-free outcome after an accident.

Immediate Steps Post-Accident

Move to Safety: Your first priority should be to move to a safe area to prevent further accidents or injuries. If the car is drivable and poses no danger, move it to the side of the road. If not, turn on your hazard lights and wait for help in a secure location.

Check for Injuries: Before assessing property damage, check yourself and others for injuries. Call emergency services if medical attention is needed.

Call the Police: Regardless of the severity of the accident, it's crucial to have an official report. "Always get a police report after a car accident," advises Hunter. This document is vital for insurance claims and legal purposes.

Exchange Information: Collect the names, contact details, insurance information, and vehicle descriptions from all parties involved. Be polite, but refrain from discussing fault or details of the accident.

Document the Scene: Take photographs of the vehicles, the surrounding area, and any relevant road conditions or signs. If there are witnesses, get their contact information as well.

Notify Your Insurance Agent: Inform your insurance company about the accident as soon as possible. They can guide you through the claims process and what to expect next.

Navigating the Aftermath

Do Not Admit Fault: It's important not to admit fault at the scene. "Do not admit fault at the scene of a car accident," Hunter emphasizes. Admitting fault can complicate the insurance process and may affect your claim.

Work Directly with Insurance Carriers: Direct communication with insurance carriers ensures that all information is accurately conveyed. Your agent can help address any questions or concerns you may have.

Use Available Resources: If your vehicle has a dash cam, provide the footage to your insurance company. This can be a valuable piece of evidence in determining what happened.

Minimizing Stress

Stay Calm: Keeping a level head helps you think clearly and take the necessary steps following an accident. Hunter notes, "Remaining calm in the aftermath is essential".

Follow Expert Tips: Insurance agents like Hunter are knowledgeable about the intricacies of car accidents and insurance claims. Heeding their advice can lead to a more favorable outcome.

Prepare for the Unexpected: Accidents happen without warning, so it's beneficial to have full coverage car insurance. This provides protection for yourself, your passengers, and other drivers.

In the event of a car accident, taking the right actions can protect your interests and facilitate the claims process. Remember to prioritize safety, document everything, and work closely with your insurance agent. As Hunter advises, "Your primary goal following an accident is to avoid further injury or property damage". By following these guidelines, you can navigate the post-accident landscape with confidence and ease.

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