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Two essential tax saving strategies to implement before 2024 ends

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  • Maximize retirement contributions to reduce taxable income and secure your financial future.
  • Use tax-loss harvesting and strategic portfolio rebalancing to manage investments tax-efficiently.
  • Stay informed about potential tax law changes and consult with professionals to develop a personalized tax strategy.

As we approach the end of 2024, it's crucial to take a proactive approach to your financial health, particularly when it comes to tax planning. Two critical tax moves can make a significant difference in your financial picture: maximizing your retirement contributions and strategically managing your investments. Let's dive deep into these strategies and explore how they can benefit you in the long run.

Maximizing Retirement Contributions

One of the most effective ways to reduce your taxable income and secure your financial future is by maximizing your contributions to retirement accounts. As Robert Burnstine, president and chief investment officer at Kovitz, points out, "The first thing to do is to maximize your retirement contributions, whether it's your 401(k) or IRA".

Understanding Contribution Limits

For 2024, the contribution limits for various retirement accounts are as follows:

401(k) plans: $22,500 (with an additional $7,500 catch-up contribution for those 50 and older)

Traditional and Roth IRAs: $6,500 (with an additional $1,000 catch-up contribution for those 50 and older)

SIMPLE IRAs: $15,500 (with an additional $3,500 catch-up contribution for those 50 and older)

It's important to note that these limits may change from year to year, so always check the most current information from the IRS.

Benefits of Maximizing Contributions

Tax Deductions: Contributions to traditional 401(k)s and IRAs are typically tax-deductible, reducing your taxable income for the year.

Tax-Deferred Growth: Your investments grow tax-free until withdrawal, potentially resulting in a larger nest egg for retirement.

Employer Matching: Many employers offer matching contributions to 401(k) plans. By maximizing your contributions, you're essentially getting "free money" from your employer.

Catch-Up Contributions: If you're 50 or older, you can make additional "catch-up" contributions, allowing you to save even more for retirement.

Strategies for Maximizing Contributions

Increase Your Contribution Rate: If you're not already maxing out your contributions, consider gradually increasing your contribution rate. Even a 1% increase can make a significant difference over time.

Use Bonuses or Windfalls: If you receive a year-end bonus or other windfall, consider directing it towards your retirement accounts.

Prioritize Tax-Advantaged Accounts: Focus on maxing out tax-advantaged accounts before investing in taxable accounts.

Consider a Roth IRA: While contributions to Roth IRAs are not tax-deductible, they offer tax-free growth and withdrawals in retirement, which can be beneficial depending on your tax situation.

Strategic Investment Management

The second critical tax move involves managing your investments strategically. This includes tax-loss harvesting and rebalancing your portfolio.

Tax-Loss Harvesting

Tax-loss harvesting is a technique used to offset capital gains by selling investments at a loss. Burnstine explains, "The second thing to do is to look at your taxable accounts and see if there are any losses that you can harvest to offset gains".

How Tax-Loss Harvesting Works:

  • Identify investments that have decreased in value since purchase.
  • Sell these investments to realize the loss.
  • Use the loss to offset capital gains or up to $3,000 of ordinary income.
  • Reinvest the proceeds in a similar (but not identical) investment to maintain your portfolio allocation.

Benefits of Tax-Loss Harvesting:

  • Reduces your tax liability
  • Allows you to maintain your overall investment strategy
  • Can be used to gradually shift your portfolio allocation

Important Considerations:

  • Be aware of the wash-sale rule, which prohibits repurchasing the same or substantially identical security within 30 days.
  • Consider the transaction costs associated with selling and buying investments.
  • Ensure that tax-loss harvesting aligns with your overall investment strategy.

Portfolio Rebalancing

Rebalancing your portfolio involves adjusting your asset allocation to maintain your desired level of risk and return. While not directly a tax strategy, rebalancing can have tax implications and should be done thoughtfully.

Steps for Effective Rebalancing:

  • Review your current asset allocation.
  • Compare it to your target allocation.
  • Sell overweight assets and buy underweight assets to realign with your target.

Tax-Efficient Rebalancing Strategies:

  • Use new contributions to buy underweight assets rather than selling overweight ones.
  • Rebalance within tax-advantaged accounts to avoid triggering taxable events.
  • Consider tax-efficient fund placement, holding less tax-efficient investments in tax-advantaged accounts.

Additional Year-End Tax Considerations

While maximizing retirement contributions and strategic investment management are two critical moves, there are other tax-saving strategies to consider before the year ends:

Charitable Giving

Donations to qualified charities can provide valuable tax deductions. Consider these strategies:

Bunching Donations: If you're close to the standard deduction threshold, consider "bunching" two years' worth of donations into one year to exceed the threshold and itemize deductions.

Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCDs): If you're 70½ or older, you can make tax-free donations directly from your IRA to qualified charities.

Donor-Advised Funds: These allow you to make a large charitable contribution in one year for an immediate tax deduction while spreading out the actual charitable gifts over time.

Health Savings Accounts (HSAs)

If you have a high-deductible health plan, maximizing contributions to your HSA can provide triple tax benefits:

  • Tax-deductible contributions
  • Tax-free growth
  • Tax-free withdrawals for qualified medical expenses
  • Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs)

If you have an FSA, make sure to use the funds before they expire, typically at the end of the year or within a grace period.

State and Local Tax (SALT) Deductions

Be aware of the $10,000 cap on SALT deductions and plan accordingly, especially if you live in a high-tax state.

Planning for Future Tax Changes

As we approach the end of 2024, it's important to keep an eye on potential tax law changes that could affect your strategies in the coming years. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 is set to expire after 2025, which could lead to significant changes in tax rates and deductions.

Burnstine advises, "It's important to stay informed about potential tax law changes and adjust your strategies accordingly". This might involve accelerating income into years with lower tax rates or deferring deductions to years when they might be more valuable.

As we wrap up 2024, taking these two critical tax moves - maximizing retirement contributions and strategically managing investments - can significantly impact your financial health. However, tax planning is complex and highly individual. As Burnstine notes, "Everyone's tax situation is unique, so it's crucial to consult with a tax professional or financial advisor to develop a strategy tailored to your specific circumstances".

Remember, effective tax planning is a year-round activity, not just a year-end scramble. By staying informed, planning ahead, and working with professionals, you can optimize your tax situation and work towards your long-term financial goals.

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