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Dating, but still just a number in her contacts

Image Credits: UnsplashImage Credits: Unsplash
  • Saving a phone number can signify intimacy and commitment in a relationship.
  • Different methods of saving contacts reflect various relationship dynamics and personal preferences.
  • The rise of dating apps has complicated the practice of saving phone numbers, highlighting the transient nature of many online dating interactions.

In today's digital age, the way we manage our phone contacts can reveal a lot about our relationships. For many, the act of saving a phone number is more than just a practical step; it’s a significant milestone that reflects the level of intimacy and commitment in a relationship. This modern dilemma is reshaping how we perceive and manage our romantic connections.

During a recent outing at an Alexandria, Va., restaurant, Tisia Saffold experienced an unexpected moment with her date. While trying to share something on her phone, her date noticed that his number was not saved in her contacts. This discovery visibly affected his ego, as he realized his number was just another random digit in her messages. Despite his surprise, it turned out that he had already saved her number prior to this incident.

The Psychology Behind Saving Numbers

Saving a phone number in your contact list can be seen as integrating someone into your daily life, which translates to intimacy, says Fabian Broeker, an anthropologist studying modern relationships. This small act can signify a deeper level of commitment and acknowledgment of the person's importance in your life.

However, not everyone views it this way. Some people, especially those who have been hurt in past relationships, might hesitate to save a number to avoid getting too attached too quickly. This hesitation can be a protective measure, a way to keep emotional distance until they are sure about the relationship's future.

Different Approaches to Saving Contacts

People have various methods for saving contacts, each reflecting their relationship dynamics and personal preferences. Some save numbers immediately with full names, while others use nicknames or even emojis to add a personal touch. For instance, Ankita Chawla, a marketing consultant, saves contacts with specific identifiers like "Ankita Chawla Hustlerani (from Instagram)" to remember how she met them.

On the other hand, some prefer not to save numbers at all until they are certain about the relationship's direction. This approach can prevent emotional attachment and potential disappointment if things don't work out.

The Impact of Digital Dating

The rise of dating apps has further complicated the practice of saving phone numbers. With numerous matches and conversations happening simultaneously, it can be challenging to keep track of who is who. Many people resort to saving contacts with the app name as a suffix, like "Joe Tinder" or "Becky Bumble," to differentiate between their matches.

This method works for a while but can become confusing over time, especially if you have multiple matches with the same name. It also highlights the transient nature of many online dating interactions, where full names and deeper connections are often not established until much later.

Intimacy and Relationship Milestones

Saving a phone number can be seen as a relationship milestone, similar to meeting the parents or defining the relationship. It signifies a level of trust and commitment that goes beyond casual dating. For some, it’s a way to show that they are serious about the person and see a future with them.

However, this milestone can also create pressure and expectations. If one person saves the number and the other doesn't, it can lead to misunderstandings and hurt feelings. It's essential to communicate openly about these small but significant actions to ensure both partners are on the same page.

The act of saving a phone number in your contact list is more than just a practical step; it’s a reflection of the evolving dynamics of modern relationships. Whether you save numbers immediately, use nicknames, or wait until you are sure about the relationship, this small act can reveal a lot about your approach to intimacy and commitment. As digital dating continues to shape our romantic interactions, understanding these nuances can help navigate the complexities of modern love.

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