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How to provide constructive feedback to high performers

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  • Focus on concrete examples and behaviors.
  • Encourage feedback from high performers to build trust.
  • Show investment in their long-term success through development plans and mentorship programs.

Giving feedback, especially to high performers, can be a delicate and challenging task. High performers often excel in their roles, making it difficult to identify areas for improvement. However, providing constructive feedback is essential for their continuous growth and engagement. Here are some effective strategies to ensure your feedback is productive and well-received.

Feedback is a vital tool for professional development. It helps employees understand their strengths and areas for improvement. For high performers, feedback can be particularly beneficial as it provides them with the guidance they need to reach even higher levels of performance. It is possible that top performers, who are accustomed to their high-performing position, will become defensive at the smallest hint that they call for change. Therefore, it's crucial to approach feedback sessions with care and consideration.

Strategies for Providing Constructive Feedback

1. Be Specific and Objective

When giving feedback, it's important to be specific and objective. Avoid vague statements and focus on concrete examples of behavior and performance. This helps the high performer understand exactly what they need to work on. As noted by Zavvy, "Constructive feedback is specific, objective, and actionable input that helps high performers identify what's holding them back".

2. Focus on the Process, Not Just Results

High performers often achieve great results, but it's essential to look beyond the outcomes and examine the processes they use. This can reveal areas where they can improve their efficiency or effectiveness. Rosie Axford, co-founder of Wicklewood, suggests, "Spend more time on just how they achieved them. By dissecting their processes, it’s possible to identify areas that can be improved upon".

3. Choose the Right Time and Place

Timing and setting are crucial when delivering feedback. Ensure that the high performer is in the right state of mind and has enough time to process the feedback. Laura Grant, marketing manager at BlueSky Solutions, recommends having a semi-formal setting for feedback sessions.

4. Engage in a Two-Way Dialogue

Feedback should be a two-way conversation. Encourage high performers to share their perspectives and ask questions. This not only makes the feedback session more interactive but also helps build trust and rapport. Anjela Mangrum, President at Mangrum Career Solutions, emphasizes, "Value your high achievers by promoting a two-way dialogue instead of being the only one speaking".

5. Provide Opportunities for Growth

High performers are often motivated by opportunities for personal and professional growth. Create a development plan specifically for them, offer access to mentorship programs, or sponsor further education. This shows that you are invested in their long-term success.

Examples of Constructive Feedback

Here are some examples of how to provide constructive feedback to high performers:

Inclusion in Projects: "Include Jane and Mark more in your future projects. Being a team player will make you a better leader and increase your chances of being promoted in the next few years" .

Meeting Participation: "Attend more morning meetings, even if that means jumping into work 30 minutes later. This will allow the team to sync with you and give you crucial project updates sooner".

Providing feedback to high performers requires a thoughtful and strategic approach. By being specific, focusing on processes, choosing the right time and place, engaging in a two-way dialogue, and providing opportunities for growth, you can ensure that your feedback is constructive and fosters professional development. Remember, effective feedback not only helps high performers improve but also keeps them engaged and motivated.

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