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Can you trust career advice on TikTok?

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  •  TikTok has emerged as a popular source of career advice for Gen Z and Millennials, offering accessible, relatable content and real-world insights into various professions.
  • While #CareerTok can provide valuable tips and networking opportunities, users should be cautious of unvetted information, potential misinformation, and one-size-fits-all advice that may not apply to all situations.
  • To use TikTok career advice responsibly, verify sources, cross-reference information with reputable resources, consider industry-specific context, and use it as a supplement to, not a replacement for, professional career guidance.ShareRewrite

In recent years, TikTok has emerged as an unexpected source of career guidance for many young professionals, particularly those from Generation Z and younger millennials. The platform's short-form video format has made it an ideal medium for sharing quick tips, tricks, and insights about navigating the professional world. But the question remains: should you trust the career advice you find on TikTok?

A recent survey conducted by ResumeBuilder has revealed a surprising trend among young American workers. The study, which targeted 1,000 full-time employees aged 21 to 40, found that half of the respondents regularly seek career guidance on TikTok. This trend is particularly pronounced among Generation Z individuals, who show a higher inclination towards using TikTok as a resource for professional insights compared to millennials.

TikTok's appeal lies in its vast array of videos addressing various work-related topics. Users can find content on everything from salary negotiation and workplace dynamics to advocating for one's rights in the professional sphere. Interestingly, this advice predominantly comes from specialized influencers rather than industry professionals or union representatives.

The Trust Factor

Despite the non-traditional source of this advice, a significant portion of users express trust in the career guidance they receive on TikTok. According to the survey, two-thirds of respondents trust the career advice dispensed on the platform, with 21% actively applying this guidance in their careers.

The trust factor is even higher among newer entrants to the workforce. The survey reveals that 40% of Gen Z workers have made career choices influenced by TikTok videos, compared to 31% of younger millennials.

The Positive Impact

Overall, young professionals seem content with the work-related content on TikTok. A staggering 88% of survey respondents reported a positive impact from the career advice they found on the platform, with only 2% citing negative effects. This high satisfaction rate suggests that many users find value in the career guidance they receive on TikTok.

Some users are even willing to invest in the services of "workfluencers" for personalized coaching or online training. About 11% of respondents reported paying for such services, underscoring the platform's influence on career development.

The Potential Risks

While the popularity of career advice on TikTok is undeniable, it's crucial to approach this information with caution. The platform's algorithm is designed to prioritize engaging content, not necessarily accurate or reliable information. This means that viral career tips may not always be the most sound or applicable advice for everyone.

Moreover, the credentials of many TikTok career advisors are often unclear. Unlike traditional career counselors or industry professionals, TikTok influencers may not have the necessary experience or qualifications to provide comprehensive career guidance.

How to Approach TikTok Career Advice

If you're considering using TikTok as a source of career advice, here are some tips to keep in mind:

Verify the source: Look into the background and credentials of the TikTok creator giving advice. Do they have relevant experience in the field they're advising on?

Cross-reference information: Don't rely solely on TikTok for career guidance. Cross-check the advice you receive with other reputable sources.

Consider your specific situation: Remember that generic advice may not apply to your unique circumstances. Always consider how the advice fits into your personal career goals and situation.

Use it as a starting point: TikTok can be a great source of inspiration and new ideas, but it shouldn't be your only resource for career development.

Seek professional guidance: For major career decisions, consider consulting with a professional career counselor or mentor in your industry.

The Future of Career Advice on Social Media

As social media platforms continue to evolve, it's likely that we'll see more career-related content across various platforms. While this democratization of information can be beneficial, it also underscores the importance of digital literacy and critical thinking skills.

ResumeBuilder highlights the importance of scrutinizing content creators' backgrounds to discern the credibility and expertise behind the information shared. This advice is crucial in an era where anyone can become an influencer, regardless of their qualifications.

TikTok has undoubtedly become a popular platform for career advice, especially among younger generations. While it can provide valuable insights and inspiration, it's essential to approach this advice with a critical eye. By verifying sources, cross-referencing information, and considering your unique circumstances, you can make the most of the career guidance you find on TikTok while avoiding potential pitfalls.

Ultimately, TikTok should be seen as one tool in your career development toolkit, not the sole source of professional guidance. By combining the fresh perspectives you find on social media with traditional career resources and professional advice, you can navigate your career path with confidence in the digital age.

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